Safari Ltd
Figure Toob - Endangered Species
Figure Toob - Endangered Species
Pláneta tip: Fill a tray with grass and sticks as a sensory base. Add these figures to complete your endangered species-themed sensory bin!
History: Despite the dire situation that many of these animals are in, there are several programs, sanctuaries, and individuals focused entirely on preserving the future of these species for years to come. Similarly, there are many ways that you can help the Earth’s endangered animals, and we hope these figurines inspire you to do whatever you can to aid in the protection and conservation of these beautiful animals.
Characteristics: In order to realistically depict the majesty of these beautiful species, all of our figurines have been individually hand-painted and professionally crafted. Not only are these models fantastic for display, play, and educational purposes, but they serve as a reminder to protect our natural world, and the incredible creatures that reside within it. These mini animal figures make great Montessori toys for learning about endangered species and the natural world.
The figures measure from 4 to 7,5 cm. Size of the Toob is 4 x 4 x 33 cm. Contains the following endangered species:
- snow leopard
- Asian elephant
- African wild dog
- Armur leopard,
- black spider monkey
- black rhino
- orangutan
- Bengal tiger
- giant panda
- mountain gorilla
All TOOBS® animals and toys are designed especially for children’s safety and fun, and there aren’t any small parts or toxic materials to worry about.
Age 3+

Notable qualities
Túburnar eru frábær viðbót til að fullkomna skynjunarbakkann.
Hver túba inniheldur frá 6-14 fígúrur sem bjóða upp á ýmis viðfangsefni, svo sem: skordýr, sjávardýr, blóm, líffæri, fljúgandi farartæki og margt margt fleira. Túban sjálf er einstaklega hentug og meðferðileg svo auðvelt er að taka fígúrurnar með í fríið.
Túburnar og fígúrurnar eru hannaðar með skemmtun og öryggi barna í huga og innihalda engin skaðleg efni sem þarf að varast.
Pláneta reccomends
Túburnar henta alveg einstaklega vel í skynjunarbakka. Eina sem þú þarft er skál eða bakka og eihvað til að nota sem skynjunar grunn. Hægt er að nota ýmis efni í skynjunar grunn, svo sem: hrísgrjón. gras og greinar, vatn, snjó, garn og svo mætti lengi telja. Kíktu við á Instagram síðuna okkar ef þig vantar innblástur að skynjunarbakka.
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