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Wooden Roller

Wooden Roller

Regular price 1.290 kr
Regular price Sale price 1.290 kr
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Instantly become a professional baker with one of our wooden rollers. Perfect for use with play-dough, sand/mud, or just imaginary baking.

Size: 20 cm


  • Classic
  • Squares small
  • Squares Large
  • Lines


Oil lightly before use to stop any dyes penetrating the grain. Wipe off after use with a damp cloth to stop salts from causing any cracking over time. Do not leave soaking in water as this could cause expansion.

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Notable qualities

Leir er mjög öflugt verkfæri sem hefur margvíslega kosti fyrir börn. Einn helsti kostur leirs fyrir börn er að hann hvetjandi áhrif á sköpun og ýmindunarafl. Börn getað leirað alskonar form og fígúrur, sem æfir fínhreyfingar og samhæfingu handa og augna. Leir stuðlar einnig að þroska skynfæranna á meðan þau snerta, finna lykt og uppgötva áferð hans.

Leir er einnig tilvalinn sem kennslu verkfæri. Hægt að nota hann til að fræða börn um form, liti og tölur, sem og kenna börnum talningu og mælingar.


The Playdough is mixed with touch safe essential oils, and each dough has its unique scent.


Flour, water, oil, sodium chloride, cream of tartar, food based dyes, food grade or safe-touch grade essential oils, eco-glitter.

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