Open house at Íshúsið, Friday June 2nd and Sunday June 4th

In celebration of bright days, Íshúsið in Hafnarfjörður is planning to have an open house next Friday the 2nd. j2023, and then again on Seamen's Day 4. júnin. Planet is of course going to participate and my family and I will be there to receive visitors.

Opening hours must:

Friday the 2nd. júní: 18-21
Article about Bright Days on the Hafnarfjörður website

Sunday 4. júní: 13-17
FacebookSeamen's Day event

We would also like to announce that we will be having a stall in Hafnarfjörður on 17. June where the main focus will be placed on Game silk and another silk merchandise. We have ordered lots of new silk products that will only be available on the 17th June so we encourage as many people as possible to come and check us out.

Thanks so much for reading this through :D We're not looking forward to seeing you.

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